Firstly, welcome. Don't worry, you can get set up in minutes. You just need to create an office > then review your channels > then send your newly created AR office email address to the selected portals.
For more details check out our getting starting videos linked above.
This is the question we get asked the most. Some agents are cautious about asking questions that may stop a 'lead' filling in the form.
However, for lettings, this may be a key requirement that helps improve the suitability of the applicants you receive.
The majority of Agent Response Users have the credit check question (it's currently only a very few that don't). But it is individual to each agent to make the call. E.g. If you're getting enough leads with the credit report question in... then it's a big time saver and you're still renting houses. If you find it's not working for you, we can take it out of the form for you.
Emails are counted when we send you or your potential lead an email.
The total can change if you have 'notifications' switched on for all your active channels. With notifications 'on', when someone makes an enquiry via the portal, we'll send you a notification email that there has been an enquiry.
No, the idea it to reduce the 'poor leads' that are distracting, and time-consuming. If notifications are off, it allows agents to focus on the higher quality leads.
Yes, and the system will send an email with a link to a conversion form. This is because they could be asking different questions and may not have filled in the form... yet.
We use [email protected] to send emails to you. Please ensure you white-list this email address, or/and add it to your address book, to ensure all email come through to you promptly.
Firstly to check that a lead has been sent, post a test lead through your portal on one of your listed properties. If you don't receive an email (to you as the Agent), then do the following:
If you've just registered, this video will give an overview of your general Agent Response settings.
We'll show you how to add an office. Call it something simple like 'Main' or, if you have many branches, name each of them after their location.
We'll show you how to add Channels into an office. A channel is how you handle enquiries. You can add as many as you need for each office.
For example, if you list rental properties on Right Move. You'll want to set up a 'Letting' channel with a portal of 'Right Move'. You can customise how to respond back to your enquiries by setting a response and an action link.
Once you've configured the basics it's time to tell your portals to send us your enquiries.
Each office you make has a unique email address. You'll need to add this on the portals that you list on: Think Right Move, Zoopla, On The Market, or One Dome. You can find this email address on each of the office pages. Once you're done, it's time to make a cuppa, sit back and relax ☕️.
If you need support please contact us at: [email protected].
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