Call Response System

Instant Lead Callback

Our Call Back system instantly connects your staff (by phone) to leads within seconds of them contacting you.

Try Agent Response

Tailor call response for Lettings & Sales

You can tailor the call response system for your departments, customising the system to suit their needs.

Call Response for Lettings

  • Only speak to the leads that are worth your time.
  • Have all the info you need about a potential tenant.
  • Save your staff time to do other proactive things.

Call Response for Sales

  • Make applicants feel cared about and taken care of.
  • Instantly call back applicants while the lead is still "hot".
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Book Your Demo

Start managing your leads the smart way.

Customise who gets a callback

The call response system can be customised to your specific requirements, with multiple options to tailor it to your agency.

Choose your triggers

Customise the triggers that callbacks are initiated. From calling back every lead that comes in to only those that complete a form.

Set day availability

You can customise the days of the week and times of the day  you want the automated callbacks to be triggered.

Add a time delay

Set up a time delay before a callback is initiated, allowing your team to review the applicant data.


Why should my agency use Agent Response

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  • Do I need a new phone system to use this?

    No.  Your existing phone system will stay the same.  We provide you with everything you need. We connect the calls to your office system and your direct number (if you have one).

  • How will I know it's a call response?

    When you answer the call, you'll receive an automated message telling you the applicant and the property they are looking at. You can then decide if you want to take the call, and be connected to the applicant.

  • What happens if an applicant has already been called back?

    The system is set up so that if an applicant has had a callback, it won't initiate another one for the next 24 hours. This is so applicants are barraged with multiple calls, if they are applying for multiple properties.

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