Early Access Property Promotion

Promote Your Properties to an Interested Audience

Automatically send emails of your latest properties to a list of thousands of interested, local people.

Try Agent Response

Put your properties in front of a local, relevant audience

Our early access property promotion puts your properties in front of an audience, who are local and have shown interest in what you have to offer.

Automatically engage your audience

  • We automatically send your audience with the local properties (from your CRM) their interested in.
  • Send to a highly engaged email audience of prospective buyers, tenants, vendors and landlords.
  • Data is segmented by region and property type (lettings or Sales) so we can send the right properties to the right people.

Enhance your brand

  • Keep your brand in front those looking for a property, helping you to process more stock.
  • Gain power back from the portals by putting the properties on your website in front of your audience first.
  • Help win instructions by demonstrating how many people you are telling about your properties.

Book Your Demo

Start managing your leads the smart way.

Don't Just Give Your Valuable Property Content Away!

Estate Agents gather all the valuable content (property information) and then hand it over to the portal(s) to reap the glory. We advocate using that content first! We can automatically email it out to your database, while also building the audience for you.

This then puts you in the driving seat and increasing your brand awareness and engagement with your local community.

Build an audience database

Engage daily with your automated content

Attract more vendors & Landlords


Why Should My Agency use Agent Response

It saves your time and money and can also highlight opportunities for greater revenue.

  • Is there a complicated setup?

    No.  We do it all for you.  All we need is your branding (Logo etc) and a link from your CRM for your property feed.

  • How does the audience grow?

    You need to have an Agent Response subscription.  We then feed your selected data into your audience builder.

  • Do I need to email them?

    We do that automatically for you.  We can email them at a frequency you choose.  For example, we can send them all the new properties listed for that day.

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